The Blood
© 2005 Mekizedek’s Treasure
Artists: Qadash
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The Blood
This is one of the most important studies of God’s values that you will ever read. Why does our God require the sacrifice of blood as opposed to other sacrifices? The answer to that question is that the Life is in the blood. So then we must see that the costliest sacrifice that can be made is of the life itself. Does that give you a new perspective on human life that is made in the image of God?
In this gem we will first explore the different blood offerings that were made to God in the tabernacle / temple service, as recorded in Exodus and Leviticus. Each of these had a purpose and later fulfillment.
These teachings are on three separate pages. If you stop with this page you will never see the seven ways Jesus blood was shed and how it fulfilled the blood sacrifices of both offerings and covenants.
After studying The Blood of Offering (below), please look at The Blood of Covenant .
These were covenants between God and Israel that were ratified by blood. Notice the subject matter of these covenants and you will see God’s highest priorities. Then read the section on The Blood of Jesus to see: 1. what His blood fulfilled, and 2. how it solved the issue of sin before God, and the devil’s rule on the earth.
You will stand in awe of such a magnificent redemption plan that enables us, through Christ’s’ blood, to be accepted in the beloved.
This section includes redemption of the whole creation and the deathblow to Satan. In Revelation chapter 5. Jesus is immortalized in heaven as the Lamb That Was Slain. This is an eternal memorial to His priestly work, fulfilling the type of the Aaronic priesthood. Because of Jesus’ one time blood offering of Himself, we can enter into the bloodless Melchizedek Priesthood, based upon “the power of an indestructible life” Heb 7:16.
You will find these topics:
Those things of the Old Testament that were types
Jesus’ fulfillment of those types
Ongoing or future fulfillment
The Different Blood Offerings Required in the Tabernacle/Temple
The life is in the blood.
Gen.9:4 Only you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is its blood.
1. The Blood of the Sin Offering
The sin offering was for:
1. Sin itself
2. Our position before God as born sinners
It was:
1. Sprinkled 7 times before the veil Le 4:5,6,17
2. Sprinkled on the horns of the altar of sweet incense, and at the bottom of the altar of burnt offering. Ex 30:10, Le 4:7, 18,25,30,
3. Poured at the bottom of the altar Ex.29:12, Le. 8:15
It points to Jesus’ precious blood bringing redemption to the creation.
2. The Blood of Atonement
This blood was taken from the Sin Offering, and was offered by the High Priest only.
It was for:
Aaron’s own atonement and for his household
It was applied:
1. Sprinkled 7 times on the mercy seat and in front of the mercy seat.
2. Aaron sprinkled the blood the same way to atone for the holy place, the tent of meeting and the altar. Lev16:6,14,15,18,19,27;17:11.
It represents:
1. The ministry of Christ in the heavens
2. The sanctification of the Bride of Christ
3. The sanctification of all things to be made holy.
3. The Blood of the Trespass Offering
The blood was for:
1. Guilt from wrong acts committed
It was applied:
1. Sprinkled on the altar Le.7:2
2. Poured out at the base of the altar
It represents:
1. Our walk before God
2. Our confession of sin and restitution
4. The Blood of the Burnt Offering
The blood was for:
1.Purification rites. (This was offered daily, monthly, and for feasts.)
It was applied:
1.Sprinkled round about and upon the altar Ex. 29:16 Le. 1:5,11,15, 8:19
2. Used for cleansing leprosy. Le.14:6,7,17,28,51,52
It signifies:
1. Total surrender to God
2. The presenting of your bodies as a living sacrifice
3. Full restoration of health and life.
The Meal Offering
This was the only offering made without blood.
It was offered with the Burnt and Peace Offering.
It consisted of fine flour, salt, and oil. Le 2; 6:14-23
There was no leaven (sin) or honey, (pleasures of sin) used in it.
It represents: The Bread of Life (Jesus) that we feed on.
The Blood of the Peace Offering
This was a voluntary sacrifice given in thanks to God.
This offering consisted of:
1. The fat (went to God – burned)
2. The right shoulder (went to the priest)
3. The breast (went to the high priest)
The blood was sprinkled about the altar Le.3:2,8,13,
In the New Covenant it represents:
1. Jesus making peace between God and Man
2. The two -way ministry of intercession
4. The Melchizedek Priesthood Heb.7:2,15,17,)
The Meal Offering
The Peace offering also had a meal offering, as did the Burnt Offering, which consisted of:
1. Unleavened cakes
2. Loaves of bread (with leaven) for the person to eat in celebration, after it was offered to God.
This is the only sacrifice where something was given back to the person.
It represents:
1. Our partaking of His divine nature
2. Becoming one with Him.
3. Our communion with God.