Cry of the Beloved
© 2005 Mekizedek’s Treasure
Artists: Prophetic Poetry by David Kloefkorn; read by Jeannette Wheeler
Piano Rhapsody Snyder, Oboe Jane Snyder
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Cry of the Beloved By: David Kloefkorn
The days grow short. My heart is yearning for the one whom I adore.
Hear the cry of my heart, and come away, my beloved.
Let us soar unto heights unknown upon a journey into a far land.
Unto the sea of glass will we go,
Unveiling that which was and revealing that which is to come.
It is I, my darling,
With eyes of a dove who sees beyond the veil of darkness,
To set my gaze upon your beauty.
It is I, who desires you to call out in this day.
Yes, even this hour I await the moment
That I may wrap my arms of cedar around you;
And lay your head upon my breast,
That you may hear the beat of my heart.
This is a melody made known only to the one I love.
Across the threshold of time will I carry you into a spectral light
that illumines every corner of the innermost chamber.
Above the firmament and beyond the edges of time,
I will release the full margin of My heart.
Immersed in an environment of celestial light
Within the zenith of time,
There will I whisper love’s truth and reveal its depth.
Beyond time and space is a journey that has no end.
Unto you I will speak of love;
Love that radiates through time,
Satisfying every corridor and
Filling even the deepest wells of your heart.
Come with me, my beloved, my darling one.
I will elevate you beyond your capacity,
Beckoning to you with every tear that I shed,
And with every drop of blood that flows through my veins,
I yearn for you from the bowels of my heart.
I coo for you in the night hour.
My desire is towards you.
Oh, wonder among wonders, come unto Me,
And let us dwell one with another in the farthest reaches of time;
Where hues of light graduate into colors,
Saturated in fragrances,
Inexplicable breaking into sounds,
That reverberate throughout all of creation.
Let us walk the miles together.
Draw unto me as I draw unto you.
Be not yoked nor bound to this world, but be ye separate.
I offer you a world with no end,
That will captivate you and stimulate your senses.
I will invigorate your every emotion;
Like notes upon a scale
Birthing sounds that inspire and arouse feelings;
They will overwhelm and consume you.
I will transport you into a universe so abstract
it expresses every nuance of my character.
Upon my wings we will soar within a melody of love,
Through the threshold of time into the abyss;
Birthing a sonata of colors,
An endless prism of beauty,
Discharging waves of passion exhilarating the heart
Down to the very core of its beauty.
Come with me on a journey of love;
Into the fullness of time,
Upon currents of light
That reflect the depth of creation in all its glory,
A prism of
Sound, and
That explode within the spectral mind,
Invading the senses,
Carrying you into life eternal.
Come away with me.
I will wash away your burdens and wipe your tears.
Draw near to me,
And I will possess you and
Cover you in the fullness of my presence.
Whispering words of love,
I will bathe you in love’s truth
And fill you with the breath of my fragrance.
Come away, my beloved, on a journey…….eternal.
WIND OF THE BELOVED By: David Kloefkorn
There is a wind that blows through the portals of time,
And it inhabits every passage that leads into the core of the Father’s heart. Penetrating into the farthest scope of the abyss,
You are captured by its bouquet.
Catch the wind of His love,
And enter into a dimension of which few have traversed.
It is as waves that flow within light,
That facilitate its movement and envelopes the darkness.
Wherever it travels,
It exterminates every shadow and every particle as if it had never existed.
It is the wind of the Spirit that illuminates colors beyond our comprehension,
And emits sounds that transport the heart of the believer
Into an untapped universe,
Fully dependent on Him to complete the work that lies within.
It is ever evolving and the complexities of this life fade,
As you are birthed into an unending interval of time in which
all that was, is,
and all that is, shall be.
This wind exposes every pitch
That lies between the tones of heavenly inflections
And is so distinct in quality
That it harmonizes with every passing color.
A sound of definite pitch and vibration.
The wind expresses every mood and emotion of the beloved.
Patterns of sight and sound erupt into an explosion of
variegated colors that float upon the wings of the uppermost heaven,
And deliver you as a newborn child into a perpetual communion with God.
Dancing a pavanne within the inner court of His chamber,
You glide across the foundations of time.
Immersed in His presence,
Captivated by His loveliness,
And drenched in His fragrance.
All at once, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,
all is lost; yet, all is found.
Yesterdays evade the deepest corridors of the mind,
Tomorrows are but dreams yet to be dreamt.
Fully exposed, there is no turning back.
Lost in the magnificence of His being,
The splendor of His grace,
Intoxicated by love’s touch.
The voyage upon unexplored waters has begun.
The wind of the spirit is fully engaging its sails,
Redeeming and redefining the course.
Boisterous waves are calmed by an aromatic scent that gushes forth with every spoken word that rises from His heart,
and is offered from His lips——– an unquenchable gift.
Expanding the heart beyond its capacity and
Introducing it to its full potential,
You are transformed.
We are washed in the eloquence of His splendor,
As it resonates with celestial sounds
Throughout every element of our being with unrestrained love.
Ushered in by a plenteous melody
That articulates every nuance of His existence,
It reveals the very essence and depth of
His overwhelming,
Intense adoration for His beloved.
Laden with love’s compassion that
Drips like fresh ointment and smells like the finest perfume;
We are fully enveloped in His presence,
Overcome by His beauty,
And elevated to altitudes unidentified by carnal man.
This is the place of eminence in which love resides.
None can enter save He Himself.
This is the place of consummation
In which He and He alone has prepared for those who desire
To become one with the One.
Let go of that which burdens and yokes the heart.
Be loosed of the cares of this life.
He who is our Beloved desires you
As a leaf drifting upon the breeze of autumn,
Given to every current, without thought of its journey;
Where it began or where it will end,
Appeased by the warmth of the sun and
Content to go wherever the current travels in the light of it.
With no inhibitions,
We are immersed in love’s arms.
Finding ourselves lost in an unspoken world,
That can only be found beyond our borders,
Past the horizon of that which is seen
into that which is unseen.
Let the wind of the spirit carry you into the bedchamber,
Where the brilliance of His majesty and the
Elegance of He Himself propels us into an everlasting universe,
Which is the beauty realm of His love.
All must know of His love for them.
It is in experiencing the depth of His love that His people will transcend from death into life.
Let us pray with great fervency that the love of Christ would be imparted into the realm of the spirit and be carried upon the wings of heaven
Into the heart of the church,
His body of which He is head.
This is the hour that the Beloved is calling out to His bride.
The wind of the spirit is blowing and He is luring her with
His compassionate love,
Seeking to devastate her dark places with His judgment and justice,
That she would be white, made ready for the wedding day.
All does He do because of His great love for her.
My heart is overwhelmed because of His yearning, His desire for her.
And the ones He is looking to, to call her forth, are His intercessors, and all who desire Him.
Those who will go beyond themselves and
Enter into Christ for no other reason than their love for Him
and for His body of which we are a part.
May the Lord bless you and empower you in your ministry of intercession,